As a therapist, I consider myself a tracker, scouting reaction patterns that are experienced on all levels of our physiology. At SSBP, we hone our tracking skills to understand the original needs of our defensive patterns, discerning the reasons behind the current form. Along with looking at the family situation we take time to look deeply into what was happening in the world and our communities in our formative years to see how culture and conditions outside the home has impacted our psychobiosocial system. This is new to Core Energetics and essential to affecting the global problems facing us all today. Meeting these places and our early unmet needs in their original energetic allows for new perceptions and experiences to arise. Through patient observation and awareness we learn specific interventions in a combination of individual and group experiences. We teach how to gently open the physical system to dissolve the limitations created through holding patterns developed as reaction over decades on a personal level and generations in the cultural aspect.
As an Herbalist and Ceremonialist Aylee’s guidance in the program is truly an integrative mind-body therapy training. Teachings on basic health and its effect on our well-being, Heart Perception to expand beyond our human-centric perceptions, and the power of the Imaginal Realm and its role in healing are all interwoven into the program. Graduates will gain skills to assess from a body-oriented viewpoint based on and beyond the tradition of Core Energetics, neurobiology and trauma theories, unpacking internalized white supremacy/ understanding the impact of colonialism in order to organize information and back up their choice of interventions through the treatment plan over time. An additional Practitioner's Skills track is available for attendees who do not already work in the profession in order for them to achieve Certification.
We are also in the midst of actively transitioning to a broader leadership and improving access for people of all backgrounds; stay connected through our newsletter to follow the progress in these endeavors.
Class Topics
Tracking ~ The Effect of Intrusions in Developmental Stages ~ The Effect of Culture and Ancesterol Dynamics in Our Lives ~ Developing Heart Perception ~ The Yes and the No ~ Body-Reading ~ Core Energetics and The Work of Wilhelm Reich, Alexander Lowen and John & Eva Pierrakos ~ Character Structure and its Application in the 21st Century ~ The Segments of the Body and Their Impact in Perception & Life Patterns~ Leading Safe Process Groups ~ Herbs for Mental Health ~ Working From Within the Imaginal Realm and Its Effect On Neuroplasticity ~ Ceremony for Health and Healing ~ Current-Diagnostics in a Larger Context ~ Somatic Therapy Approaches ~ Counter-Transference in Body-Therapy ~ Working with Dreams and Imagery ~ Trauma & it's Treatment ~ Disrupting Oppression In Practice & Unpacking Internalized White Supremacy ~ Working With Our Many Internal "Parts" ~ Clearing Spaces Internally and in the Environment ~ Interpersonal Work in the Group Setting ~ Movement to Impact Body Structure ~ Referencing From the Self ~ Decentering our Humanness ~ Influences on Our Sexuality ~ Interpersonal Neurobiology ~ The Pathwork
This list is not all-inclusive; there may be other topics covered and some of these may be offered as electives and not as part of the core curriculum.
The wisdom of the body helps to guide therapy