Where We Stand
As director and owner of Seattle School of Body-Psychotherapy and speaking for myself personally and for the school; we are coming out of deep denial in regards to white supremacy and oppression for all people of color and especially towards the black community. SSBP is now taking an active stand against all forms of oppression, denigration, slavery through classism, fear, humiliation, torture and murder that people of color and especially black people have experienced at the hands of all white people since the west was born. We are committed to learning about and eradicating practices such as tone policing, white centering, and the myriad of actions and institutional attitudes that maintain the old institution. We will be revamping the curriculum and working with consultants to that end from here on out as we need help in this endeavor.
To the Black people in our country and in the world, I am so sorry for the endless loss and grief you have suffered, on top of the personal trauma that each of you carry, for the murders of George Floyd, Eric Gardner, Brionna Taylor, Treyvon Martin, and so many many other people whose abuse wasn’t caught on video and set free on social media to create accountability. On behalf of those we haven’t heard about, I am so sorry. My heart breaks for you.
To other people of color, I understand that each and every one of you carry a complex of pain and trauma due to race and white supremacy and I am committed to to come out of my deafness and acknowledge my role in it, and to fight for change.
We are on the edge of the Great Undoing. There are so many directions this can go in. Many of us experience Privilege with a capital P and observe the uprising through the media. I would like to put out a call to use this Privilege well. I want to urge you, to the degree that your nervous system can experience the full spectrum of impact and you can find your way back again, to look, listen and feel the truth of what is happening in our world. Let yourself be confronted and humbled, rage in the company of others, allow your heart to break and your tears flow, let yourself wonder what is your offering in all that is happening. Whether it it be a song or prayer, hefty donations or taking to the streets, see how you can show up. Your presence is powerful no matter who you are or what your situation is.
And firstly the most important thing you can do is to educate yourself in order to use your power in right action.
To that end I am asking that people associated with the school take the time work through the book White Supremacy and Me by Layla F Saad https://www.meandwhitesupremacybook.com/ because it is the nuts and bolts that we need in order to understand the language and concepts of white supremacy. Without this understanding we will always be contributing to the problem. It is accessible and is organized as a workbook that break things up into small chunks that are easy to fit into even the busiest day, and allow for reflection. There are many other great resources that are easily accessible.
I would like everyone to join me in gaining a working knowledge of these principles so that we can bring it into anything and everything that we do here from here on out. My aim is to be learning and growing together and more importantly to stop perpetuating harm, harm that I myself have caused and allowed through my lack of understanding and maintaining what used to be status quo.
Please take a moment to appreciate the fact that People of Color have not only lived through the constant and horrific trauma but they have also taken the time to systematically research, conceptualize and organize information with immense depth and potential for change. Realize that this process may feel very convicting, but confrontation and conviction is only one important phase of the process until we can accept our complicity, and in the end what we are presented with is an invitation for unity. Despite just cause, this is not a war against us, it is we who have kept ourselves in inaction and ignorance, we who are the ones who have perpetuated a violent and oppressive us/ them world. It is time to learn how to get on board and come together.
It is time for change, it is happening. And only because brave people are risking stepping out. Let’s get out of our comfort zones and do whatever we can to join or support them. Extend your privilege to others, and then come inside and do all of your best self-care.
In love and prayer and passion,